Using the Power of light to heal the body!!


L.A.S.E.R. (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is a name for a type of intense radiation of the light spectrum. A laser is a beam of light in which high energies can be concentrated. Laser light has unique physical properties, which other types of light do not have. These are coherence and monochromaticity. These are what makes laser light is so effective compared to other kinds of light in the field of pain reduction and healing. Laser treatment (also known as phototherapy and low level laser therapy) involves the application of low power coherent light to injuries and lesions to stimulate healing and reduce pain. It is used to increase the speed, quality and strength of tissue repair, resolve inflammation and give pain relief. Low level laser technology has been found to offer superior healing and pain relieving effects compared to other electrotherapeutic modalities such as ultrasound, especially in dealing with chronic problems and in the early stages of acute injuries. Low level laser technology is a complete system of treating muscle, tendon, ligament, connective tissue, bone, nerve, and dermal tissues in a non-invasive, drug-free modality.

This laser technology utilized in our office for over ten years with clinical success does not elevate skin temperature, which some lasers on the market do, which can cause tissue damage.

Call our office to see how this technology can help you!!!

Here are some of the conditions treated by the laser in our office:




Knee, foot, and ankle pain

Shoulder and hip pain

Tendinitis/bursitis issues

Chronic muscle knots and pain

Here is a link to clinical research supporting this technology. The Pillars Paper | Multi Radiance Medical